So, let's dive in and explore the art of giving an effective psychic reading!
Ideally you would be looking to fill around 30-60 minutes of time for an effective live reading session. These might be in person, or on a platform like Zoom.
You need a structure to be able to do a psychic reading. One that you are comfortable with, and one that you have developed effectively.
When I started giving psychic readings I used psy cards, tarot cards, rune stones, chakra dowsing, and I would sometimes pull out an angel card at the end. However, ultimately you need to develop your own structure.
When you are starting out, it’s fine to have notes to one side to help guide you. You don’t have to be brilliant straight away, it’s a gradual process. You need to ensure that your comfort zone is well and truly in place!
That said, always try to push your comfort zone to be a better version of you - this will provide your clients with the best version of you, and therefore they will get the reading results that they desire.
Don’t feel the fear of getting it wrong. Don’t ever let that hold you back. Be brave and go for it!
To start with, I deal out my psy cards and see which ones I am drawn to. Once I have exhausted that I then pull them all together, shuffle them and repeat the process. I usually do that about three times.
I then move onto my tarot, dealing out a set of cards to build on what I got from the psy cards. Expanding out and thinking about what else I need to be looking at.
If you get really stuck during the reading, think about the main areas of life.
The areas of life to focus on are: work, love, family, home and money. I tend not to cover health during a reading - if you are clear about that with yourself, then your guides will tend to work around these during a reading. Your guides will help you stick to your rules.
It’s your job to be the translator or intermediary for yours (and their) spirit guides. There will be a four way conversation going on between you, the person you are reading for and the cards.
You need to be able to turn those ‘random messages’ that come through into something meaningful. It is entirely possible to go from random messages, to something more comprehensive, that covers lots of areas.
The idea is to elongate the reading and make it engaging. You need to find a way that makes you a good psychic medium.
Sometimes you might get the same message, but it presents itself in different ways. That is when I would consult more than just the cards. I might then do some chakra dowsing for example.
Five minutes before the end of the reading, invite questions about anything that they aren't clear on, or that need answering for them. However, if you have been thorough and proactive during the reading, giving as much information as possible, then questions should be very few (if any) at the end of a successful reading.
If you really feel that the reading is ‘drying up’, then always be honest and say that you have been guided as much as you can be, and wrap the session up earlier. In terms of charging for this, then always offer a refund of the unused time.
In summary, over time you will develop, tune in more, improve, understand how to give more and therefore give quality readings. The journey should be fun, so enjoy it and keep practising!
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